I was shooting some groups with one of my rimfires. Most times at the covered range I go to they would put me away from any big boomers if possible. If they did have to put someone close to me they would make sure it wasn't anything too big.

I was sitting at the bench shooting my groups with only a set of muffs on when a guy setup next to me. The rifle he had only had a barrel of about 16" or so inches so I thought to myself it can't be anyting too big. While shooting I was placing my empty boxes on the left side of my bench and the guy was setup to my left.

I was concentrating on a shooting when something happened, not sure what. I thought my world had come to an end, I was stunned, eyes blurry and my ears were ringing. All those empty boxes flew from the left side of the bench off the right side and onto the concrete. Not sure what happened I looked over to the left at the guy who just setup thinking he had a kaboom. He looked fine so I stood up, still stunned, and stepped back trying to figure out what had just happened. As I was getting my composure it happened again, the guy to my left touched off another round creating a fireball the was atleast 12" in diameter and 18" long. This caused my ears to start ringing again. I put some plugs in, put the muffs back on and tried to shoot some more groups but couldn't because every time he touched off a round I would flinch. Every shot shifted everything on my bench to the right including my gun. I packed up my stuff knowing I wouldn't be able to shoot any more decent groups.

When the range was taking a break to change/pull targets I asked the guy what he was shooting. He was proud of his 7mm Ultra Mag that he had built as a brush gun. It had a 16" barrel and was the loudest, most earsplitting gun I have ever heard.
