Between Chris and Jim, you both pretty much covered it. My wife of 55+ years says I get too excited about what goes on around us till she hears it from the talking heads, sees it for herself then, she agrees with me.
Social media is a BIG problem. Lots of folks running their mouths. Put them FACE TO FACE and the bunch will have nothing to say because of the chance of getting their asses handed to them.
First thing that comes to mind are the folks dressed in black in Portland, Oregon. Nothing but a bunch of cowards. The bad part is that the Cops are a block away watching the whole show and doing nothing about it because they don't want to cause anymore problems?
The Man/Woman in charge of the City needs to be FIRED!!
In a group, the cowards have lots of balls. One on one, they can and will be taken down. They have to go home sometime. A little patience following them will lead to their nest then BOOM, problem solved.
And my guess is there's folks that are willing to do just that. Got something to say to me? Have the balls to say it to my face or, shut the **** up!!