
Glad you like your F-class bipod and that you are getting such great results with your 12 FV 6.5mm Creedmoor.

As you an probably see, both my F Class bipods have the azimuth adjuster and it is easier to get at if the adjustment lever to level the stock in the bipod is toward the front.
You probably can see that I have a level on the scope to make sure my rifle isn't canted. I use that to level the stock when I put on the bipod and never touch the level adjustment again.
But I often adjust the azimuth all during a session, so I like to be able to get at the adjuster while I am looking through the scope.
I thought that is the way the bipod was designed to be used, but what do I know.

I don't think there is a front and back to the F-Class bipod, u
nlike a folding bipod like a Harris that could fold up on you if mounted the wrong way when you did the forward pressure move to keep the bipod from hopping.