Quote Originally Posted by 1bdvet View Post
Might be time to upgrade your Axis stock with Boyds stock.
Here is my Axis 270 Win.
Looks nice!

Not sure I want to shop at Boyd's. Did an order after they closed on Monday, called them up 24 minutes after they opened Tuesday because I had a question about the information on their website. Turns out their web information was wrong and that would change one small part of my order. I wanted the matte trigger guard vice the nickel/stainless one. Okay, we all make mistakes. Yet when I asked them to change the part the customer service rep said they wouldn't since it would take them hours to find my order. Instead I had to redo the order after their pre-authorization dropped off my card in 3-5 business days.

One phone call and two e-mails later I'm totally under-whelmed. Looking to spend my money elsewhere.

Same day as the Boyd's fiasco I'm talking to the folks that make the Weather meter I use. Turns out there's a design issue that requires a longer time to reach ambient temperature. The meter I have takes longer than the competitor. It's also less than half the price. The guy I talked to explained that and then said if I wasn't totally happy they'd do a full refund. That sort of customer service is inspiring. I'm keeping the meter, by the way.