Are you using .223 mags successfully in that rifle? That's good info; all the gunshops I contacted told me no, I had to have the correct magazine, and finding the spare one I have was like a quest for the Holy Grail. The .223 ones are all over the place, but the packaging doesn't mention 7.62x39; maybe that's just because they no longer chamber that round?

I'm also not a high-cap mag guy, but the 3 rounds is a little too limiting, especially since I am just plinking and target shooting. Even a 5-rounder would be preferable.

You'll never tempt me to reload for this gun. I reload because it's cheaper per shot, and because I like some older guns for which finding ammo is difficult...but I'm not one of those people who actually enjoys it; not even a little bit! I'd much rather be shooting. Rather than trying to turn the x39 into a .308...I'll just use a .308. :)