Quote Originally Posted by UCChris View Post
Here's a *crappy* picture with a SWFA 12x42 MilQuad mounted up.

I use the Warne steel rings like you have above. Warnes are heavy but they are probably the strongest rings made. I went towards lighter aluminum rings on my rifles after my Warne phase. Ive used a little bit of everybodies stuff I guess.
Some people hate the verticle split Warne rings because they are tough to hold together while you try to screw them together but I generally only install rings once so that was of no concern.
I stuck a 6.5-20-44Ao Simmons on top. For varmint work this discontinued scope is a great scope. They were 99$ in their day.
Most any scope can be used on a .223 because the recoil isn't gong to break a scope.