Joe, realize that im in my 80th year walking arount this planet. To me it seems yesterday those type scopes were all there were for target shooting.
That also included long range hunting. Leupold didnt introduce target knobs till the 80s. Scopes like nightforce dident even exist or at least hadnt been heard of.
Devices were made so these type scopes could be mounted on and extend beyond standard actions. There were also barrel sleeves that screwed onto the front of actions.
So that the front scope block could be mounted on it and not the barrel directly. Which would move when heated thus in effect changing your scope zero.
There were some barrel sleeves that also sleeved the entire action, thereby stiffening it. "today youd buy a custon action"
If you would ask most owners and users of those scopes what the click value was you would be apt to get a blank stare.
Unless you were a hunter using one it really didnt matter much. The answer is it can be about whatever youd like as scope block spacing determines that.
Today if you would go to a sanctioned rifle match you would rarly if ever find one of those type scopes in use. Some old guy like me might still have one
on an old 40x varmit rifle for posterities sake. There would be no other valid reason to be using one and you can trust me on that.
A 55 chevy today would bring 10 times what it sold for new and depending upon condition maybe more. Trust me on that also because i owned one.
Take a drive in one for more than 15 minits especially on a hot day and you will be glad to climb back into your new one. Ditto the old lyman, and ditto the old unertles also.
The horse is dead joe, move on.