Happened to get to the range yesterday, to "break-in" my new 7-08 barrel.
Shot five foulers, then ran a patch of Wipe-Out Accelerator down the bore, and foamed it up.
Let it sit a half hour, patched it out, not a sign of any copper at all (no blue)...

Did my OCW load workup with the Chrony.

Foamed it with Wipe-Out last night while loading a few hundred rounds for me and the boys for today, patched it out before bed.

Headed to the "long range", range today with 75 rounds of my best guess load based on the OCW.

Got her zeroed at 200, then moved out to 565 yards. Wind was a bit challenging, but hey, nothing new there. Still, enuf hits to not regret the four hours of driving... Then, just before the rains came at the end of the day, the wind gods cooperated and I felt confident enough to go the rest of the way down the ditch to 1000 yards. After getting the elevation dope correct, nailed two out of three hits on the gong before it started pouring.

So, one clean after five rounds, final clean after load workup (38 rounds total), then I just shot it... and I can't complain about holes touching at 200 yards :)