Ya, different calibers draw a bigger premium on price, certain models do as well. The 99A saddle guns in 250 have really been going high here lately. One guy was saying he saw one go for $2500 but I'm having a hard time swallowing that.

I'm not trying to get one of every caliber in the Savage line up, just the R's, I love the 99R's and I need a 243 and a 250 to complete it. The 250 should be easy to find but the 243 not so much. Thats why I'm so interested in seeing if you found one before you got drilling the poor thing out to something else. I'll swap you up a 250 for it if you want a 250 that bad! It's a pain in the arse to send or get guns out of the U.S. these days but it's still easy enough between Aus and Canada! ;D

Here's an old article I wrote on model descriptions.
