LomgRange read this http://forum.accurateshooter.com/thr...ction.3848890/.
There are probably over a dozen post over there on this subject, pay particular attention to Norman he knows all about this companies products (worked there). If you need to PM him, nice guy and he will take the time to explain how they work and why they work as stand alones.

As a side note Denver Dave how much did you spend on your optics or your guns or ammo add it up you will have a surprise. I did, and I needed to do something for my hearing the buzzing after a range trip drove me crazy. IMO $300 was a cheap price for the extra protection. Like LR and a few others here I shoot some where north of 7000 rounds a year ( 2-3 times a week) I needed the best I could find, if something better comes around I will be looking at them.