Hi Bolt - Welcome to the 'wonderful world of 64s' I too had that problem when I got my 64, and found lots of threads about maintenance and mods for it. Ther main solution is to 'polish' the feed ramps on both the magazine and the chamber ramp. Here is one thread : " https://www.savageshooters.com/showt...ng-First-Round " - Just don't go overboard with 'sanding' - polishing is better, if slower, in my opinion. You can also find info on Youtube . And I have several threads about mods I've done if you search under my Username.

There are 'years worth' of threads on 64s in Archives, which you can find by following the instructions the moderator sent me last year
Good luck with your 'new project' ;-) - Ed

- " ... you can still easily pull up every single thread in the Rimfire board pertaining to the Model 64 with the search function.
- Go into the rimfire board
- Click on "Search Forum" at the top right just above the list of threads (in light grey bar)
- Click on Advanced Search
- In the Advanced Search, ( under 'Search single content type' - ed ) go down to the "Additional Options" area
- In the "Search in Forums" list, make sure the "Savage and Stevens Rimfire Rifles" is highlighted
- In the "Search by Prefix" list, make sure "62/64 Series" is highlighted
- Click the "Search Now" button at the bottom of that area "