I agree, the thing is I use a collimator style bore slighter on all my rifles, I'm very familiar with this particular one ( I know there is some controversy with their use). I couldn't bore sight this rifle for the life of me WITH the collimator, crosshairs were well above the zero point, which indicated I would be shooting low. I hoped it was because of the zero taper in the receiver and the super high leupold mounts at first. Yes I did have the two MOA bases "going down hill", although I really thought about reversing them as I was extremely frustrated. The funny thing about the scope and the barrel diverging-this wasn't actually the case, as I removed the bolt and bore sighted that way. I could line up a target thru the bore, adjust the scope to that approximate POI, and it made matters worse ( the rifle shot even lower). Sorry about being long winded, but I'm trying to explain everything as best I can. I got to a point with the first 20 MOA rest where I shimmed the back by .040, bedded it to the action, and with the scope adjusted all the way, I could shoot about 8 inches below POA at 100 yrds, but this was with 60 MOA in the base, and about 20 in the scope. In order to shoot to even a medium long 500 yards, I'd need almost 20 more MOA (I think). That's an awful lot for a rifle that's technically made for long range shooting, I'd doubt any one makes a combination of scope and bases with that much available elevation.bi truly believe the barrel is significantly warped, or not properly rifled/crowned. I will call NSS if savage won't do anything, as this rifle is the bomb as far as looks, it's beefy, and quite honestly I've heard very good things about them, as with all Savages. Every manufacturer has their issues, so I'm not turned off, just want the thing to shoot well so I can do some load development.