Sorry to all, there will be no pictures...
I am one of those guys that starts a project, and half way thru it - says damn wish I would have taken some pictures of at least before and after - let alone DURING!!!

If I decide to do another magazine, I will try my hardest to document it! If you have ANY mechanical abilities & a bench grinder - YOU can do this!! I destroyed the first attempt, by grinding TOO much off, then the second one I took off less & it worked. If I can find the time & will take some pics & post them of the finished product. I did use some hi-temp Black BBQ paint on the ground-off areas, so hopefully you will be able to see in the pics!

IF your Savage has some age on it - you could just open up the receiver / loading port area slightly - with a Dremel tool OR small hand file - I didn't, as it was a BRAND NEW - weapon!!!
