I'm in the same boat, I bought a 110 with an accutrigger and blind magazine last year. I want a camo stock with the dbm but can't find one anywhere. I don't really want one of the kits they make for the dbm because I don't like how they stick out from the stock so I had to buy the factory parts and have the stock dipped. I'm now going to be into $650 for the gun I wanted but couldn't buy and will still have a factory stock.

I hear that the factory stocks are ok if you do a little work on them but I've never done anything like that before and don't really want to try it myself and mess something up. What I'd really like is to find someone local that knows how to do it and could show me then I'd have the knowledge for my next Savage but I don't know anyone around here. Would have been a lot easier to just buy the stock I wanted, lol.