
A Remington tech rep once told me the quote below when he saw a friends over oiled shotgun.........
(my friend was a machinist and over oiled everything)

"Put as much oil on your Remington firearm as you want to when cleaning your rifle, then take a dry clean rag and wipe off as much oil as you can, and your firearm will still have more lubrication than it needs"

Oil attracts dirt and dust, dirt and dust attract moisture, moisture and air cause rust, and in a museum firearms on display are not oiled they are waxed with a neutral PH wax to keep moisture and air off the metal components.

During the American Civil War storage "cosmoline" was made from the triple mix of 1/3 raw linseed oil, 1/3 beeswax and 1/3 turpentine. This same mixture was rubbed on firearms in use as a protective "raincoat" to protect the firearm from the elements. And finally the woman of the house used this same triple mix as furniture polish to protect "her" cherished belongings.

Bottom line, only a few parts of your rifle need to be lubricated and the rest of the rifle only needs "protection" from the elements.