of course prime, who would put a non prime pelt up unless it was the very last of the season prior to going into the shedding mode. i shoot them for fun Oct to first part of Dec, but i am way down SW AZ and dogs only get about 15-20 pounds, but in jan and feb they fur up pretty good, same with cats and fox. if i go up north they get progressively bigger with much nicer fur of course due to the weather, my best is a 6' from nose to tip of tail, out east that is common due to weather and cross breeding with wolves. have not even started yet although my scouting has produced more sign this year than last and i did good last year. 2 more weeks and then the 'practice' begins on pups and the sick, lame and lazy. i have several wide, spacious areas down here that are just hunted by me, at least as far as i know, i've only run into one other pred hunter with his son and they were 'doing it all wrong' so i said hi and parted ways.
i don't get coyote fever, kinda like buck fever, prior to the shot, it is always after the shot and f/u shot if needed, then when the animal is on the ground i get the adrenaline dump! after killing one i stay put for about 15 more minutes with ki yi's and hurt pup then if nothing comes in i hit preset 4 which is "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" by Disturbed, kinda like my victory song..........gives me a warm fuzzy!