By the time you get the scope on's not gonna be a "lightweight" that's for sure. I'd get to the gym until all the stuff gets in for you to build it. ;D :D As far as the bedding goes, just bed it as normal. I wouldn't go past the recoil lug and remember....just bed the back of the lug only!! Don't bed the sides, bottom or front. Just make sure you put two (I'd put three or four) applications of masking tape to the sides, bottom and front of the recoil lug so the only thing touching the stock when your done is the back of the lug.

I'm assuming your buying a Harris bi-pod or you have one that your going to attach.

Should be a some pics of the targets when you get it done and back from "field testing." Because if your just gonna tell us a story....I may as well just go to the bar and listen to all of those B-S stories about how good this gun is and how good that gun is and end up looking like this: