Well my vote would be to try it both ways and see. Let the results speak for themselves. My 22-250 responds better to neck sizing. I use the RCBS FL die the first time with new brass, then once it's been fired I don't FL size again until I can't close the bolt without undue effort. I use the same RCBS neck sizing die that you likely have.

In my humble opinion, the 22-250 standard case responds well to neck sizing due to it's degree of case body taper. The AI case may be less noticeable, all things being equal, how well the chamber dimensions match the die dimensions, etc.

You will get as many different view points as people you ask... it doesn't mean anyone is trying to lead you astray, it just means that peoples perceptions, experiences, and results have varied.

Each gun barrel is it's own individual creature, and should be tested on it's own to see what works best. The bright side is you get to do more shooting.

And that's always a good thing.