[b]I have not posted in awhile and when I look at the calendar, my hunt is only a few weeks away. I started planning this back in April, and now in August, I still have not gotten myself ready. Everyone I have talked to has told me to get in the best shape I can. I sprained my knee back in late April, and with complications, could not exercise until two weeks ago. So I am back to walking stairs at work and walking about 4 to 5 miles a day with 20 lbs in my backpack.

Gun is not ready either. I got a new savage 325 wsm and finally am able this week to go to the range. I was not a member and finally bit the bullet so to speak and joined. Will be breaking in the barrel this week and hope to get it sighted in next. That gives me only a few weeks to work out the load I need to practice shooting from different settings. I hope to shoot some at 400 yards to see if I can hit the paper. This brings me to a question—what kind of shooting sticks to use? Not sure which ones to even start testing. I am hunting in New Mexico and thought about the adjustable from monpod, bipod to tripod cabelas offers.
Got most of my clothing set except for boots. I bought some 400 gram insulated that I will wear deer hunting here to take along – finally got them broken in. I am also going to take along a pair of non-insulated boots. I figure I would wear the non-insulated because I do not want my feet to sweat.

Closing in on a big back pack so I can take the kitchen sink if need be—it does have a hydration pack. I drink a lot of water so I am sure I will need to take more. . Not sure on gloves yet, the only item I have not reviewed. Please let me know what else I need to consider. Since I am going with a guide, I have been over this with him and I think I have covered all the bases. Two things he stressed, the better shape I am in, the more chances increase and for me not to forget how important it is to hit what you aim out. He remarked at how many folks show up and can not hit a gallon jug at 200 yards.

Thanks for all the help....