Just did the mod to my .308 edge.... wow big difference... before I took out the old spring I laid the action/bbl on its side on my bed and pulled toward me with just the trigger... the action would slide toward me without "fireing" the gun. I used a .160" roll pin and a sping that "felt right"... I probably didnt need to but I used red locktight on the roll pin to make sure it never comes out, that would be bad... Sill had to press the roll pin in with an arbor press so i doubt it would have come out anyway, but I like to be safe... Anyway. Now with the action/bbl lying on the bed I can do the same test as before and it "fires" before the action moves... Nice...... Trigger pull feels really light, near as I can measure its 3lbs 8oz, but thats not with a real trigger pull scale... thats with a regular electronic scale, gun placed butt down on scale, scale tared so it reads 0 with the gun on it, then pull down on the trigger down till it "fires"... highest reading was always between 3lbs 8oz and 3lbs 13oz, but since the gun doesnt sit on the scale without me supporting it, the waight constantly jumps around about 5 ounces +/- .... it came up 3lbs 8 oz most often....

Cant wait to shoot it....