Quote Originally Posted by memilanuk
Quote Originally Posted by 82boy
There has been other problems that have plagued the Savage rifle from being used in competition, such as an interpretation of the rules. Does the barrel nut disqualify the gun? I have been told about a shooter that was very competitive with a Savage in competition, at first he had problems with making weight, and when he did he was disqualified do to the barrel nut. The problem is that there is still a prejudice against Savage guns, and some people will stop at nothing.
Now *that* is interesting... I'd be curious exactly how a barrel nut disqualifies a gun in any form of competition. Any details?
My first question is: was the match in question sanctioned by IBS or NBRSA? Or, was it just a local match where the local match director makes up the rules as he/she goes along?

If the match was a sanctioned by one of the two bodies mentioned above then the MD, and the shooter, need to read the rule book. If it was just a local match, well... it's tough to reason with a dictator