
This will be my first long distance rifle and I hadn't really considered something custom. Are there any online resources for learning about getting started with custom builds?

Yes sir there is and it is right here. anything you need to know about putting a savage together can be found here with nothing more than a search or by asking. i know putting a rifle together the first time can be a little scary but a savage is the GEICO of the rifle industry.... so easy even a cave man can put it together. and since you and your friend both want one you can get by with just one go/no-go gauge set and one barrel wrench. build one for each of you and have the tools to rebarrel later or build something else. i have now built 3. two f/tr rifles and one 338-06. guess you could say it is addictive. not really trying to talk you into it but i really think you would be happier with a custom rifle that you build yourself even if it cost a little more. the aftermarket barrel is well worth it if for no other reason than time spent cleaning the barrel is cut way down so shooting time increases. ask around on here and use the search because i will be the first to tell you to take anything you hear from only one person with a case of morton's salt.
