Yep yep yep, you can do whatever you want but the Rigby and 375 H+H etc.
take a longer hole in the bottom of the action and a longer mag.
The Taylor runs 3.75" and I think it would come close to running in a RUM action
375 H+H is 3.6" I believe and the longest I can run is 3.4"
458 lott is also 3.6"

My ejection port is long enough to eject 3.6" as is.

I had this long action set up with all sort of rounds.
30-06, 338-06, 375 ruger, 338/284 (short action).
Now it lives as a 458 winmag for a while.

I have read about people opening up the bottom hole with a dremel and attaching a long mag to the stock
to get to RUM length.
Think I would rather have it professionally done.

These rifles you can do almost anything you want to except maybe the 338 Lapua.
That one is right on the edge of safety.

The 375 ruger and 416 ruger are both long action cartridge and will run through the standard action.
The 375 ruger is a really nice round.