Quote Originally Posted by Iowa Fox View Post
Yep, sadly gone.

The MOA pistol was created by Richard Mertz when he lived in Ohio. Rich and his buddy were out Prairie dogging one year and shooting out of the car. Long story short they had a 30-06 go off inside the car , thank goodness the muzzle was pointed up . They had a hole in the roof but the real damage was to their hearing. Rich was the manager at one of the machine fabrication shops in Ohio so when he got home he decided he was going to build something to shoot out of the car window next year. That's how it started. The offices were upstairs at the machine shop and at night he would shoot thru the hollow duct work holding the roof up from one end of the building to the other to do his prototype testing. He lost a thumb and finger doing proof testing. Rich is a heck of a good guy. I haven't seen him in a few years. I hope he and his wife are doing ok.

Oh and before everybody jumps on the shoot out of the car thing, we all did it 50-60 years ago.
Great story about Rich. I just asked him about this car story and he recounted it for me. One thing he wanted to clear up was that he still has his thumb and on the forefinger he lost the tip.
He is full of great stories. I am trying to convince him to let me video him telling them and letting me upload to youtube to share with everyone.