I am not to thrilled with the 2 piece mount. The old Weaver N3 mount used 10-32 bolts. I do not know if this was the factory size or not for the holes. Modern firearms use 8-32, the Weaver #2 mount is D&T'd for 8-32. I had to counter sink the 10-32 hex head bolts into the weaver #2 base mount. I then had to carefully cut off 1-2mm of the head of the 10-32 so it would be flush with the base. I had to have enough of the head of the hex screw left so a hex wrench would still fit in and be able to torque it down. I had to cut off a few threads so the screw would not be to long in the receiver and interfere with the bolt. The ring part of the mount then is secured to the base with the large knurled screws/bolts you see in the photos.

The height and placement of the Weaver mount is good. The scope sights very well when you look through the scope setting the rifle into your shoulder shooting position. If there is a technical name for this I dont know what it is called.

I'm just not to thrilled with a 2 piece mount. I may look into the havlinsales.com mossberg mount that has a weaver base and bolts right onto the side of the receiver.

This is the side mount base for a Mossberg that will bolt onto the Savage with no issues.

But to answer my question that started all this, yes a Weaver #2 base
(48402) and Weaver side mount 1" rings (49350) will bolt onto the side of a Savage Model 5, and probably the Savage Model 3 & 4's that are D&T'd for a side mount scope.

[img width=600 height=450]http://home.comcast.net/~tavares11/savage/weaver_side.jpg[/img]

[img width=600 height=450]http://home.comcast.net/~tavares11/savage/weaver_side2.jpg[/img]

[img width=600 height=450]http://home.comcast.net/~tavares11/savage/bolt.jpg[/img]