Quote Originally Posted by charlie b View Post
LOL yep. I was third high in my class at the qualification range with the M14 (1400 cadets). The other two were ranked nationally on the shooting team. Funny thing is the three worst shots were at 100yd. Did I mention I tend to 'choke' when the scores count? :)

When I reached 55 I started getting tremors. Now days (at 70) they can be pretty bad. If I have to hold a position it gets worse. I still do OK at rapid fire pistol, muscle memory, point and shoot works. Rifles I have to use bags and rests.

And, yes, getting old does suck.

I will be 72 in less than 30 days. 40 years ago I could jump up on a pullup bar and do 17 pullups, now I would be doing good just to reach the bar! In the Off Hand now, I sway around like Maggie's Drawers!