Oh right, sorry… you have the “7-35” with 100moa, not the 5-25(which has 120MOA elevation)

Yes, I understand MOA completely; being it stands for Minute Of Angle and equal to 1/60th of a single degree, in the 360 degree circumference of a circle. An MOA Rail is just a mechanical advance, so to speak. Whatever the rail is you ADD to the range greater than your Zero & SUBTRACT from range under Zero. (Although, who cares about range under 100yds if that is Zero?)

I was trying to point out its mathematically impossible for you to have LESS range with a 30moa rail, vs a 20moa rail. Although it is mechanically possible if there is something wrong with the Rail. (Albeit highly unlikely.) So I doubt you lost anything. More likely you simply must have miscounted. Sorry… but if it’s your word or the math… I’m going to trust the math, LOL!