FYI, there are different versions of the Axis. Older versions had basic triggers and flimsy stocks (fore arms not very stiff). Then the Accutrigger was added. Then they changed the stock to the current model (which I have not heard any flexing complaints).

So, if you buy one today you'll get a nice rifle that is suitable for many situations. It is not a target rifle. Unless you find one with a heavy barrel, it will have a lighter contour which will cause drift as it heats up. The trigger is the standard Accutrigger, which adjusts down to around 2 or 2 1/2lb. Servicable, but, not a target trigger.

Savage actions in general are not noted for being smooth or easy to manipulate. They can be frustrating if you try to cycle them fast. Axis are more so.

After market is very limited.

You can invest money in one and make it better, but, then you end up spending more than if you had purchased a better action/rifle to begin with.

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