Quote Originally Posted by Blue Avenger View Post
if you have time Dave, format it as an article and submit it to Jim!
Unfortunately, I can’t format anything anymore. Everything I do is on my Iphone from now on. Lap top bit the dust, so the only computer in the house is my wife’s work laptop. And since I have no need, I wasn’t planning on buying another. So, unfortunately I can’t send things in any kind of special format. Can only email things as they are.

But no biggie. I don’t mind doing this again in the future if someone else asks a similar question or would just like to know.

Also, if anyone else can or has the correct formatting ability, sending things as jpegs or whatever.. (I’m not really all that PC literate, LOL!), by all means, please do so. I think it would be great to show people all the options these days.