That seems to be the standard choice for the precision crowd. I would assume you will also get a runout measurement system as well.

Next you will need better powder measuring tools. Prometheus is top of the line. Don't choke when you look at the price :)

This is part of the 'rabbit hole' I have chosen to not go down. I am satisfied with 1/2MOA and I really cannot shoot better than that. I carry on with my Lee press and Lyman automatic powder measure (I really hate trickling powder). I 'measure' seating force by paying attention to how it feels when I seat the bullets. I do splurge on the seating dies. Redding competition. Runout I 'measure' by rolling a cartridge on a flat surface, but, after doing that a lot, and measuring a few with a dial indicator, I really don't do that on a regular basis.