I am assuming this is is an older one with mag well attatched to the action. All right put it in a vise mag well up. Remove the trigger. Easy to do (Hard to put back on). Now take a rubber mallet and smash it (Just kidding) Actuall holding the mag and pulling up with slight pressure and pulling back towards the barrel tap the front of the mag box with a swift smack. go light and gradually build up and eventually you will get the feel. I use the following mallet: http://www.homedepot.com/Tools-Hardw...atalogId=10053

I find this way the easieast and to be honest I tried a C-Clamp and crushed. Tried a pry and bent the tabs and scratched the action tried some funck vise grips. The problem is the apply pressure slowly and disform the mag box. The hammer method causes it flex but not bend permanetly.