The point is if it changed anything, it wouldn't be TRUE headspace. Proper headspace is from the FACE of the Bolt Head... NOT the SURFACE of the Ejector. The way some of you are likening this to being as "condition to fire" is completely wrong. I'm not saying it's wrong or bad to check with the ejector in, but as we JUST SAW in the OP's case, the Ejector WAS causing an INCORRECT reading because it was TOO long. The fact remains that DOESN'T happen with the Ejector removed. And it doesn't create some situation of checking with it NOT in "ready to fire". It CAN'T be a false reading with the Ejector out. That's the only thing some of you need to realize.

Once again, because I know reading comprehension isn't what it once was, it's FINE to check it EITHER way. But understand if there are different readings, SOMETHING is wrong. Just as the OP found out. It's GOOD he checked with the Ejector out, otherwise he would have had a FALSE reading, as the Ejector was sitting PROUD of the bolt face.