I guess it's sort of like driving a vehicle around a curve, you bet a person may make it around a curve with a posted speed limit of 50 mph driving 80 mph, but why take the chance, sooner or later the law of physics will take effect.. A shooter may get away with shooting NATO 62 grain M-855's in a .223 Remington chambered rifle a dozen times or a dozen years, but that doesn't make it the right thing to do. Sorta like shooting 22LR rounds in a single action Magnum cylinder, ya can get away with it, but there are consequences. Iowegan is very knowledgeable, a person can go along with what he says or disregard. I've found over the years he's pretty much right on target. Not labeling him a 'Guru', but he makes more sense than alot of the 'cyber space hell with what's right, do what ya wanna do' crowd. Not putting you in there Dave, but IMO ya shouldn't be shooting M-855 rounds in your .223 rifle. Ya take care.