Main Entry: mag·a·zine
Pronunciation: \?ma-g?-?z?n, ?ma-g?-?\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Old Occitan, from Arabic makh?zin, plural of makhzan storehouse
Date: 1583
1 : a place where goods or supplies are stored : warehouse
2 : a room in which powder and other explosives are kept in a fort or a ship
3 : the contents of a magazine: as a : an accumulation of munitions of war b : a stock of provisions or goods
4 a : a periodical containing miscellaneous pieces (as articles, stories, poems) and often illustrated; also : such a periodical published online b : a similar section of a newspaper usually appearing on Sunday c : a radio or television program presenting usually several short segments on a variety of topics
5 : a supply chamber: as a : a holder in or on a gun for cartridges to be fed into the gun chamber b : a lightproof chamber for films or plates on a camera or for film on a motion-picture projector

Main Entry: clip
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : any of various devices that grip, clasp, or hook
2 : a device to hold cartridges for charging the magazines of some rifles; also : a magazine from which ammunition is fed into the chamber of a firearm
3 : a piece of jewelry held in position by a clip

Main Entry: pis·tol
Pronunciation: \?pis-t?l\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French pistole, from German, from Middle High German pischulle, from Czech píšt'ala, literally, pipe, fife; akin to Czech pišt?t to squeak
Date: circa 1570
1 : a handgun whose chamber is integral with the barrel; broadly : handgun
2 : a notably sharp, spirited, or energetic person