Wow, That is a lot to unpack.

The Wood stock you have will bolt up but the magazine inlet is wrong so unless you have a mill it is probably a no go.

Bedding, regardless if you use Acraglass or any other bedding media, is normally a big improvement in a wood stock, and using pillars is standard procedure once you get that far. Watch a few video's and research it a bit and you can probably do a sufficient job if you are handy.

Trigger pull weight is subjective and preferential. For instance if you wear gloves you could trip a light trigger before you knew what was happening. 2.5 lb's is as low as I would go with a hunting rifle.

I would rather have a brake than a bigger softer recoil pad.

If you are going to be on foot for a while the lightest rifle you can build is what makes a good mountain rifle.

I think a 284 or a 280 Rem or 280AI makes a great Mountain Rifle cartridge.