Quote Originally Posted by taylorce1 View Post
I want the reticle subtensions to be correct regardless of power settings. I'd be just as happy with a MOA reticle as a MIL as long as it tracks correctly when I crank on the adjustments. I am also staying under 20X so the reticle doesn't become unusable on the top end, on the bottom I figure it'll pretty much work like cross hairs.
Ffp your subs are accurate no matter what magnification.. the only conceivable downside to FFP i could possibly see a argument for is certain reticles if not etched fine enough can leave some room for error from the reticle covering a area that could be larger than you like but most good ffp makes have figured out the optimal reticle size. On ffp the with magnification change , changes in direct ratio to the object so all the way down reticle is small, all the way up it takes up the whole lense but everything stays in correct subs from min to max

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