some random “Gun Store” guy (you say a friend.. random to us) Mr Hoback I would like to respectfully say you are out of line here. You do not know me nor do you know my friend. You have basically called me and my friend "liars". I have no reason to lie and my friend (who really owns a gun shop) has no reason to lie about sending Savage Rifles back to the factory. As if he has nothing better to do.

I do agree with some of what you said and in my initial statement I clearly stated all gun companies have an occasional problems. Nothing against Savage. As far as money spent if I spend more I expect more. Wanting the barrel to be in alignment with the receiver is a pretty basic part of rifle building. I'm sorry if I gave the impression I expected "better accuracy" for more money because I don't believe money necessarily buys better accuracy. I do expect better craftsmanship and better materials with higher costs.

Savage is american company and I want them to do well. I am disappointed initially but Savage has the opportunity to change that. I hope when my rifle comes back Im writing you all what a great job they did and what an awesome rifle it is.