Quote Originally Posted by Ted_Feasel View Post
I think I mentioned earlier that what you said was probably the best way to go about it and yes I have use very fine round files and compounds to knock of burrs and remove tooling Mark's etc with great results. If it's just a small burr and you carefully work only the burr you can likely remove that burr without damaging anything else. I technically would be considered a master machinist although I judge myself by what my fathers capabilities were and by those standards I do not consider myself a master. But put it this way, I have confidence in my skillsets that I would not be afraid to try your way or my way.. I would definitely agree the way you mentioned would probably be simplest but at this point it's all kind of a guessing game without seeing the actual problem.

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My point was that the barrel is still in the action.

I was not challenging what YOU could do.

Machinist can have multiple skill sets differing from industry...I have lost most of mine via atrophy.