Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood View Post
The confidence of your son's face and the joy and pride on your nephews face is priceless! Job well done Tuf!
Thanks Robinhood.
That night was a blast. My nephew did an outstanding job of getting himself under control after the initial adrenaline rush hit him. That was my son's third buck and he was all business as soon as he saw it. I'm the most proud of how well they worked together. i had both of them in a popup blind with me sitting on butt pads. They had to quietly trade places once my nephew had shot his buck. No more then 3 minutes went by between my nephew shooting his and my son shooting his buck. It was crazy fun. I'm also stoked because my son had lost interest in going with me but since his cousin wanted his first deer my son was happy to come out. After we had them all back and were processing them my son said dad this is so much fun again I think I want to go with you this year in FL. And he knows how difficult FL public land hunting is so I'm pretty stoked to have my little buddy wanting to go back in the woods with me.