While I agree that design wise, really nothing new. But ballistically technology has increased substantially! Materials, bullet design, powder formulation all have had substantial improvements!

I understand your point Yobuck. And I absolutely believe when you say there really is no discernible difference given YOUR uses. But a modern rifle, scope & ammunition will FAR outperform the same from yester-year. Yes, at closer ranges there won’t be much difference..if any! But marksmen from 70 years ago were not accurately engaging targets at over a mile away! Just didn’t happen.

Where I completely agree with you is in design. Every other week it seems, there is a new “latest ‘n greatest” cartridge...that does the same thing that 7 other cartridges have been doing for years & years. (Increases through technology advancement, as I was saying). Modern “rage” now is these shorter cases & shoulder design. (Caugh-Caugh..Creedmoor..Cough). And right along side every new cartridge design is a fan club, touting it’s “inherent accuracy due to the decreased body taper & shoulder, yadd-yadda” LOL.

So for me, things like materials, bullets & powder, yes! Making the case a different shape?? No. And as for the men & women doing the shooting..then vs now? Well, human beings have increased ability across all areas of physical prowess & skill level. Records have continued to be broken through time, in sports. So, it would are sense that shooting skill has increased at the elite level as well.