Quote Originally Posted by Skipp View Post
i'm from Berwick, PA. Although I am closing in on 70 yrs of experience, I still get out chasing turkeys up and down the mountains, having played sports my whole life. Still get out bluelining small mt streams for native brookies, so hopefully, I have some years of outdoor activity left in me. Both my M99's have the schnabel forends with the brass counters. Kind of cool.
I assume blulining means sneaking up on a small stream with a long rod and just dropping a line in ?
Problem i always had was getting the rod thru the woods. Carrying it backwards helped, but it still required great care.
In the past few years I’ve had to switch gears on how i do things. So I’ve become a Pan fisherman, mostly Crappies, and always from a boat. Also target large Blugills and Red ears, (shellcrackers).
B n M pole co makes a variety of rods for pan fishermen, Crappies in particular.
Check out their line, especially the telescopic models. The ultra lite 9’ (Little Jewell) telescopic rod would in my opinion be just the ticket for carrying thru the woods for those Trout. The 10’ Black Widow model would work also, but it isn’t ultra lite.
Down here you can buy those type rods for less than $10 in a good tackle shop.
I have a dozen or more on my boat all the time up to 14’ length.