when i narrow down the load ii will shoot 5's.
there is a reason to not shoot fives early in load development.
if your goal is 1/2 moa, and you loaded up
5 loads in your choice of increments and you shoot
three shots of load one and the group is clearly an inch or more,
let me ask you a question:
how much SMALLER will the group get with shots 4 and 5 ?
ANSWER it cannot get smaller.
if 1/2" is your goal and you are at 1" with 3 shots, shooting the last 2 is:
a waste of time
a waste of components
a waste of money.
in the early steps of load development there is a clear reason to
shoot 3's and not 5's.

all loads i shot that day were single didget es's.

Quote Originally Posted by DesertDug View Post
I would like to have a sample of 5.
If you loaded up more how did they fair?

and I agree, how could precision loading be a negative or " waste"

I have been tring to go that way with my limited set of tools and was all smiles when I had a SD of 7.

Good reloading.