To the OP's original question:

I've only had one EABCO accuracy barrel, a 6.5 CM that shot very accurately....for about 3 or 4 rounds since clean. Then it coppered up and groups began opening. Great for a hunting rifle in that it's a lot cheaper than a better quality barrel, however just don't look too closely at the lands and grooves, as you'll see rail road tracks. I have a picture taken from an endoscope looking in the muzzle that shows the rifling, as far as the camera could see was almost entirely copper colored. This after just 4 rounds since clean.

Maybe I got a turd, but I will never know as i'm down to X-caliber, Shilen, and Criterion barrels to shoot targets. I do have two factory Savage barrels, a 223 and a 308 that shoot remarkably well and don't copper up too bad.