Holo style red dots are great for speed, they just dont work so well for "aim small miss small" If you're trying to put one into a 6-8" vital zone on a big game animal they'll work. If you're trying to put one in the smaller heart at distance or plug a smaller varmint then not so much. As Jim stated several optics also come with various lighted reticles and small "target" style dots that can work well for these applications if that's what suits you.
I'm with you on the test drive idea. When checking out a scope the lighting in a gun shop or looking out the window during "business" hours isn't exactly crack of dawn or dusk lighting. Im thinking the bigger outdoor shops like BPS and Cabs ought to put up optical resolution charts and eye charts all the way across the store and maybe in a darker corner from the scopes so you can tell more about them.