My Uncle (mothers only brother) married my fathers sister so, his first daughter (uncle's) was suppose to be my "double cousin". Got an EXTENSIVE family tree (about 6 feet long) from a cousin on my fathers side that says Uncles daughter, wasn't his? Funny how stories get started and are taken as truth. And the worst part? There's no way to prove it to be fact or fiction. Just stories passed down thru the family.
Started out looking to see if my Grand Mother had any brothers or sisters. So far nothing, but someone says her mother and father were from Cuba ? Once someone posts it, it's tough to change. Got no way to prove it right or wrong. Never heard anything like that from my Mother. Got the family bible to go by but really not that much info. Keep checking but no more kin showing up. Lots of third, fourth, fifth and sixth cousins showing up but I already knew about most of them. Not the kin I'am interested in finding. Kinda at a dead end.