Success at the range for the most part. I didn't take pictures of the targets this time, but I was very pleased at 100y. I discovered that I goofed and installed the pic rail backwards and was out of elevation adjustment, so I didn't shoot any further.

I'm also back to magazine problems. If I use the factory internal mag retainer, mag is too low to feed. If I don't, recoil pushes it up too high and it hits the bolt. So gonna have to modify mag retainer.

Enough of the bad, this rifle feels great. Trigger pull is awsome and bolt cycling feels smooth/easy. I really like this stock. I have a 300wm 110 T-SR that I just picked up and this thing has less recoil as a comparison. (I'm going to do a review of my experience with that rifle soon).

Next I need to load some more up and finalize my load and fix the mag thing. I will deffinetly take pics of load with chrono results, but with the holidays I don't think that will be for a few weeks.