I've been toying around with the idea of starting up a 22LR rimfire match again to bring some interest back to the rimfire boards. Course of fire would be the same every month. What I had in mind was shooting at three distances from three positions

Off-Hand (sling only) at 25 yards
Kneeling or Sitting w/sling, bipod or shooting stix at 50 yards
Prone or from a bench at 100 yards

Those with mobility issues could use a chair/stool for the sitting/kneeling stage. No 1-piece rests or rests that clamp to the bench. No dedicated benchrest or F-Class rifles with a 3" or wider flat forearm (must be a rounded forearm no more than 2.75" in width at it's widest point).

For targets I was thinking standard NRA Smallbore T/Q targets for the given ranges as they're easy to find online and they're cheap at less than $8/per 100 for each size so for around $25-30 you'd have enough targets to shoot every month for 8+ years if you only shot one of each per month. Scoring would be by best edge and winner would be the one who had the best combined score for all three targets/distances.

I think most would find this to be both fun and challenging as a great many shooters (myself included) rarely practice shooting from different practical shooting positions. This would force everyone to get out of their comfort zone by shooting in those other positions and help them become better overall marksmen at the same time.

If this is something guys would be interested in doing I'll finish set up the guidelines and run it and KTMracer can run the centerfire stuff.