Quote Originally Posted by Banana Juice View Post
I'm guessing you all buy the mainstream media's story at face value.

So that means you believe Oswald acted alone...

You believe WTC building 7 fell to the ground as the result of a roof fire.....

You probably believe that the US Navy was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin.

You think this yay-hoo in Vegas was a lone nut, because that's what the powers that be want you to believe, and they're using the media to feed you the information you need to form the opinion that they want you to have.

Quit getting your information from sources that continually get caught in lie after lie after lie. Do your own research. You'll be shocked at what you'll learn if you do.

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Then cite your sources and make us believe your news outlets are reliable.

Otherwise, you sound like your tinfoil hat is too tight.