Quote Originally Posted by chewy1010 View Post
Let me know how that works out for you! Just when I had myself convinced that I could do both if need be, Sagerat comes in and rains all on my parade! I'm with you though. I think pillars first. Get that confidence up. Then maybe try the action. It seems like the pillars might need a small saddle sanded into them to match the contour of the action. Let me know if that's the case. Thanks, Matt
Sorry fellas, I didn't mean to "Rain on your parade", but just wanted ya'll to be a little more informed than I was, when I decided to go down this road you're on. I didn't know a dang thing about working on guns when I did mine. I watched the video above like ya'll and the additional one where he discovers he needed to take the trigger assembly off before he did the bedding, so he had to start over.

I, like you, decided to try the pillars first, which wasn't that difficult with the right tools (drill press and a good bit). I had my dad help me with it, as he's been working on his own guns for as long as I've been alive.

Bottom line.... The Axis is a good rifle to try and learn what you're doing as far as working on a rifle. It's cheap and if you mess it up, your not out that much $$$. I got pretty far down the rabbit hole and even threw a CBI math grade barrel on it. She'll put 5 in a nickel @ 100 yards now.

I'll never be able to sell it for even close to what I've got into it, but the lessons I leaned were priceless.