Well. I just wanted to follow up on my Sav-2 experience. After a short period of frustration, I gave them a call and had a nice conversation with Clay. He said they've had tremendous success with this model trigger and gave me a couple of pointers. He suggested I give it another try and if I was still less than thrilled, I could send it back to them and he'd send me another one. Excellent customer service. Not at all defensive or condescending, just very helpful. I was feeling better already.

I took it all apart and started over from scratch basically. Somehow, I'd missed the part where you polish the edge of the sear with 320 grit paper, which I did second time around. I reassembled everything, readjusted all the screws and got a much better result. There is an interesting relationship between the screws that control the trigger pull and the sear engagement. They really have to be adjusted together in order to get as much creep out of the system as possible and still have a safe engagement of the cocking piece. Overall, it's a very nice design and the company that makes it gets high marks for customer service. Of course, there are those who feel that a trigger pull of less than a pound isn't where they want to be, but it works for me. YMMV.

I will say that getting the trigger adjusted outside the stock won't necessarily work as desired once the stock is installed. I had my action in and out of the stock so many times I ended up using one of my electric screwdrivers.